Drei Teammitglieder von Löhr stehen lächelnd im Flur der Kanzlei.

"We advise investors with complex and international investment structures out of a passion for growth."

No growth without investment

Whether you invest as a private investor or institutional investor, as a "business angel" in a start-up or as your own organization with venture capital in the growth potential of an up-and-coming company - one thing is clear: you want to at least have an entrepreneurial influence and make a profit in the long term. This requires, on the one hand, a careful and realistic opportunity/risk analysis and, on the other hand, a technically sound planning of the investment structuring as well as all legal, contractual and tax framework conditions.

Comprehensive advice for investors

As an experienced partner at your side, we prefer to shape these framework conditions ourselves and in your interest. This applies to the creation of a legal framework or the overall ROI analysis as well as to the actual implementation of your investment project. The Löhr team advises you on early stage as well as expansion and growth financing, M&A transactions and company takeovers.

We invest in sustainable collaboration

Finance, law, tax - this is where all our expertise comes together. When it comes to investment decisions, the freedom we give you with our know-how must be particularly well defined. As a rule, this involves far-reaching and sustainable planning for all parties involved. For this reason, Löhr's investor consulting is not aimed at making a quick buck, but at long-term cooperation - even beyond the initial amortization phase.

Gespräch im Meetingraum, eine Mitarbeiterin ist zu sehen, von einer anderen Person ist nur die Hand sichtbar.



Löhr Partnerschaftsgesellschaft
mbB Steuerberater
Bonner Str. 178
50968 Köln


Monday to Thursday
08:30 – 16:30

08:30 – 14:30

These core hours represent the availability of the head office. In addition, we can of course still be contacted individually at the office.